Untitled Art 2023 provided a platform for Her Clique Womxn Prize Award with Niru Ratnam gallery as a winner.

Untitled Art 2023 provided a platform for Her Clique Womxn Prize Award with Niru Ratnam gallery as a winner.

Photo credit: Her Clique, World Red Eye

Text: Oxana De Castro

December 15 2023


Her Clique Womxn Prize winner is announced: Niru Ratnam gallery. The prize is awarded to the exhibitor with the best booth consisting of exclusively female-identifying and non-binary artists.
Niru Ratnam gallery, showcased the works of Jacqueline Utley, Emma Cousin and Alicia Reyes McNamara, and will receive a $7,000 USD cash prize. Her Clique is proud to support galleries and initiatives that empower womxn artists.
Untitled Art 2023 provided a platform for this award.
The winning gallery was selected by a jury comprised of the Her Clique team, the Untitled Art Ambassadors Committee, and the fair’s curatorial team.
As part of this partnership with Untitled Art, Her Clique presented two limited edition works by artists Katherine Bradford and Lucia Hierro. The prints are available for purchase now exclusively on Her Clique with 50% of the sale proceeds to benefit Planned Parenthood of Greater New York.

About Her Clique

Her Clique is a thoughtfully curated initiative featuring exclusive artworks by women and non-binary creators, dedicated to charitable causes. Established by Izabela Depczyk, its aim is to elevate and showcase women artists, broaden the reach of the art market to a more diverse audience, and generate funds for essential charitable organizations.



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